My partner Mark sculpted the idea of starting a photo booth to allow me the freedom to do what I love to doing – art and photography. The world is constantly changing. I want to capture as much as I can, because someday it’ll only be a memory; photos are easier to explain because “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Climate change is forever changing our landscapes and someday my own kids won’t experience what I experience because it’ll be gone. So this idea of capturing the moment is woven into my being. As with the planet changing so are we; it’s not the fear of aging, it’s the fear of forgetting, or losing touch with what makes us happy.
Photo booths are popular today because we need to capture our good times. There is a lot of negativity in the world, so for me, I find joy in knowing you’re “gonna like the way you look.” Really, I like to think you’ll walk away smiling, or laughing at the photo and realize how precious relationships are and we (as a society) need more shared times, often. So here I bring to you Dashoots Photobooth (pronounced Duh-Shoots) because we now reside on the other side of the Cascades, in Deschutes County.
Dashoots Photobooth is my livelihood, and it’s sharing what I enjoy with those who hire me & their guests.

Dashoots Photobooth
Box D, Bldg. #1
Bend, Oregon 97701
(541) 604-2949